Should I Void My MCAT Score?

August 28, 2023
3 min read


Reviewed by:

Jonathan Preminger

Former Admissions Committee Member, Hofstra-Northwell School of Medicine

Reviewed: 8/28/23

If you are wondering, “should I void my MCAT score?” This article will help to give you some insight into this decision.

A frustrated student hiding behind a stack of books

The Medical College Admission Test (MCAT) is a crucial component of the medical school application process, serving as a significant factor in determining an applicant's potential for success in medical education. As aspiring physicians prepare diligently for this comprehensive exam, the decision to void one's MCAT score can be an agonizing one. 

Voiding the score essentially means erasing all evidence of one's performance and starting anew with the potential benefit of a clean slate. However, this decision is not to be taken lightly, as it carries potential consequences that can impact an individual's future medical career. 

This article aims to answer questions like, “should I void my MCAT score?” and “can medical schools see voided MCAT?” providing guidance for prospective medical students grappling with this challenging dilemma.

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Should I Void My MCAT Score?

A male student thinking about voiding his MCAT score

The decision to void an MCAT score is a deeply personal and individual one. It requires careful consideration of various factors, including your preparedness, performance, and future aspirations. While voiding the score offers the opportunity for a fresh start, it is essential to weigh the advantages and disadvantages before making a final decision.

Advantages of Voiding

Here are a few advantages to voiding your MCAT score.

Reducing the Risk

Voiding your MCAT score eliminates the chance of medical schools seeing your performance. If you believe your performance was far from your best due to unforeseen circumstances, such as illness, extreme anxiety, or burnout, voiding may be a viable option. It ensures that an underwhelming score does not hinder your chances of gaining admission to medical school.

Demonstrating Improvement

Voiding your MCAT score allows you to showcase your growth and progress by retaking the exam. By starting afresh, you can implement new study strategies, address weak areas, and demonstrate your dedication to improvement.

Enhancing Confidence

If you felt unprepared or encountered significant difficulties during the MCAT, voiding the score can alleviate the burden of uncertainty. It enables you to approach the exam with renewed confidence, knowing that you have another chance to demonstrate your abilities and potentially achieve a more competitive score.

Disadvantages of Voiding

Here are a few disadvantages of voiding your MCAT score.

Limited Attempts

Each voided MCAT score reduces the number of attempts available to you. The Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC) restricts the number of times you can take the MCAT to seven attempts in a lifetime.

Time and Energy Investment

Voiding a score means investing additional time, effort, and resources into preparing for the MCAT once again. This includes restudying content, revisiting practice questions, and potentially reenrolling in test prep courses.

Emotional Toll 

The decision to void your score can be emotionally challenging. It may cause self-doubt and frustration as you question your abilities and readiness for the exam. It is essential to reflect on whether the emotional toll of voiding outweighs the potential benefits it may bring.

When to Void Your MCAT Score

Voiding your MCAT score is a significant decision that should not be taken lightly. Here are a few times it may be a good idea to void your score. 

Unexpected Circumstances

Sometimes, unforeseen circumstances can significantly impact your performance on test day. If you experienced an uncontrollable event, such as illness, personal emergency, or extreme anxiety, that significantly hindered your ability to perform at your best, voiding your score may be a reasonable option.

Clear Discrepancy

Occasionally, test-takers may realize during the exam that they have misread questions, misunderstood instructions, or made multiple errors. If you have a clear sense that you have made severe mistakes early on in the test, and you believe that salvaging your score would be highly unlikely, voiding can save you from submitting a disappointing result.

Lack of Preparation 

If you find that you were underprepared for the MCAT despite your best efforts, voiding your score may offer an opportunity to regroup and bolster your knowledge base on certain topics.

Inconsistent Practice Scores

If your practice exam scores consistently fall below your target or desired range, it might indicate a need for further preparation. 

Strategic Decision

Occasionally, test-takers choose to void their MCAT score strategically, even if they feel reasonably confident in their performance. This approach is typically reserved for those who have specific knowledge about their desired medical schools' admission processes.

Can Medical Schools See Voided MCAT?

When you choose to void your MCAT score, it means that you are electing not to have your score reported to medical schools or any other institutions. As a result, the voided score does not become part of your official MCAT record. Therefore, medical schools do not have direct access to voided scores during the application review process.

FAQs: Voiding MCAT

Here are a few questions related to “Should I void my MCAT score?”

1. Is It Better to Void or Retake the MCAT?

The decision to void or retake the MCAT depends on individual circumstances, such as the severity of the performance issues. Carefully evaluating personal readiness and the potential for improvement can help determine the best course of action.

2. Why Would You Void the MCAT?

Voiding the MCAT is a choice made when unforeseen circumstances, extreme anxiety, or a lack of preparedness significantly impact performance. It allows for a fresh start, gives you the opportunity to demonstrate improvement, and prevents underwhelming scores from hindering admission chances to medical schools.

3. Is Voiding the MCAT the Same as a No-Show?

No, voiding the MCAT and a no-show are different. Voiding means erasing the score after completing the exam, while a no-show refers to not appearing for the exam at all. Voiding allows you to retake the MCAT, whereas a no-show typically requires registering and paying for another test date.

Final Thoughts

In the end, the decision to void your MCAT score is a personal one that should be approached with careful consideration and reflection. By making an informed decision that aligns with your aspirations, you can confidently navigate the path towards achieving your dreams of becoming a future physician.

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