How to Get Into NYU Medical School: An Applicant's Guide

February 11, 2025


Reviewed by:

Jonathan Preminger

Former Admissions Committee Member, Hofstra-Northwell School of Medicine

Reviewed: 10/6/23

Graphic showing several students being taught by a doctor. Each of these students have got into NYU medical school

Getting into medical school is tough, but it doesn’t have to be. Learn how to get accepted into NYU medical school with tips and more below! 

Every year, thousands of students apply to NYU Grossman School of Medicine. NYU is one of the country’s best medical institutions, and its unprecedented financial aid opportunities and flexible curriculum are a draw for many. 

Grossman is free. Yes, you read that right. The school offers full tuition coverage to all its admitted students, regardless of academic performance or financial need. While there are still some expenses associated with the school, this is a huge draw for thousands of students each year.

If you want to be among the lucky few admitted, our guide offers advice and guidance in the admissions process. By the end, you will know exactly how to get into NYU medical school. 

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NYU Medical School MD Programs

NYU breaks down its main four-year MD program into four parts:  

  1. Pre-clerkship curriculum: This occurs during the first year and a half of your education. 
  1. The clerkship: During the second half of the second year and the first half of the third, students participate in four rotations for twelve weeks each.
  1. Individualized exploration: During the second half of the third year, students take time to study for the U.S. Medical Licensure Exam and take elective courses or begin a concentration. 
  1. Career preparation: Students complete a second clerkship and sub-internships in the fourth and final year.

The Grossman School of Medicine also offers an accelerated three-year MD program. Students can accelerate their med school timeline and save on living expenses and other costs. This program condenses individualized exploration and career preparation and requires extra summer commitments. 

NYU med school program completion timeline

NYU also offers other dual degree MD programs, including: 

  • MD/Masters of Science in Clinical Investigation: This program is designed for students who aim to pursue careers in applying research advances to develop new medical therapies. The dual degree program combines the MD curriculum with a 31-credit MSCI, adding an extra year of training to the standard MD program.
  • MD/Masters of Arts in Bioethics: A degree in Bioethics can help you work as a bioethicist in hospitals, medical schools, and labs. The program lasts five years, with the fourth year focused on Bioethics. 
  • MD/MBA in General Management: You enroll in NYU’s Stern School of Business during your fourth year. There, you take classes to prepare you for careers in business ownership, healthcare management, and pharmaceutical consulting, among others. 

A dual degree program may be right for you if you seek interdisciplinary medical education.

NYU Grossman vs. NYU LISOM: What’s the Difference?

Grossman and LISOM are NYU’s two medical schools. NYU LISOM opened in 2019 to address the nation’s shortage of primary care doctors in areas such as: 

  • Internal medicine 
  • Community medicine
  • Pediatrics
  • Obstetrics and Gynecology
  • General surgery

NYU LISOM is different from Grossman: its standard MD program is three years long, there are no dual degree offerings, and enrolled students “receive conditional acceptance to an NYU Winthrop residency slot.” If you want to stay local and serve the New York community as a primary care doctor, NYU LISOM is an excellent option.

How Hard Is It to Get Into NYU Medical School? 

Thanks to its prestige, free tuition, and high-quality instruction, seats at NYU are highly sought by applicants. In turn, getting into NYU medical school can be challenging. Examining a snapshot of the NYU class can help determine your chances of acceptance. 

NYU Medical School Stats & Class Profile Info 

NYU Grossman received over 9,600 applications in a recent admissions cycle, resulting in 106 students enrolling. U.S. News World and Report ranks Grossman as the sixth-hardest medical school to get into; the NYU medical school acceptance rate is 1.1%.

Other class profile highlights include: 

  • 56% women, 44% men 
  • 23% underrepresented minorities 
  • 85% in-state students, 15% out-of-state 

Work hard, perfect your application, and leave no stone unturned as NYU Grossman is extremely selective. 

To ensure you submit the most competitive application, consider getting tailored med school admissions help from experts who know exactly what top schools are looking for!

NYU LISOM Admissions Statistics & Class Profile Info

Only 24 students matriculated to NYU LISOM in a recent admissions cycle. It has a highly selective acceptance rate of only 1.5%. 

NYU Medical School of Medicine Requirements

Applying to NYU Grossman means first working through your AMCAS application, registering for the Credential Assembly Service (CAS) for transcripts, and completing your secondary application. 

Graphic outlining the steps and requirements needed to apply to NYU Grossman

Before you apply, you must ensure you meet all NYU Grossman School of Medicine requirements, such as: 

  • A valid MCAT score 
  • Prerequisite courses 
  • Letters of evaluation 
  • Interview 

We’ll explain precisely what you need to do to meet all NYU med school prerequisites. 

MCAT Scores

Your MCAT score provides insight into your medical school preparedness. It allows the admissions committee to evaluate your grasp of key behavioral and scientific concepts. 

Book a free consultation with Inspira Advantage, the best MCAT tutoring in New York City. With over 15 years of experience, our tutors will help you get a guaranteed score of 520+.

Many of NYU Grossman’s incoming students report high MCAT scores. In a recent admissions cycle, the median and average MCAT score is 523. The MCAT score range is 516-527. The school accepts scores from exams taken three years before your expected matriculation year.

Source: NYU Grossman School of Medicine

Prerequisite Courses

The median undergrad GPA for NYU’s recent incoming class is 3.97. The GPA range of students is 3.62 to 4.0. There are no NYU medical school requirements for GPA, but it’s helpful to see how you compare to admitted students. 

If your GPA is in the lower end of this range, remember that NYU reviews applications holistically. However, ensure you address any gaps in your transcript in your application. 

graphic outlining the course requirements of NYU med school

The school doesn’t have prerequisites; however, they do have course recommendations. Because the school is so competitive, it’s a good idea to ensure you’ve taken the following courses: 

  • Statistics
  • Genetics
  • English
  • Biology with lab
  • Physics with lab
  • Inorganic chemistry, biochemistry, and organic chemistry with lab

Taking these courses will help prepare you for NYU’s curriculum. 

Letters of Evaluation

NYU Grossman letters of recommendation are a crucial element of your application. 

NYU prefers a premedical committee appraisal letter but will accept letters from two professors. At least one of these professors should be from a science course. 

letters of recommendation

A pre-health committee or adviser writes a premedical committee appraisal letter. These letters speak about your: 

  • Backgrounds
  • Accomplishments
  • Setbacks
  • Qualities
  • Your preparedness for a medical career

Each undergraduate school has a unique process for writing these letters, so speak to your adviser or career center to obtain information on your school’s process. Ensure you give your recommenders advanced notice. They’re doing you a favor, so it’s courteous to give them ample time to write the letter. 

Nontraditional students, such as those who have switched career paths, can submit NYU recommendation letters from colleagues they’ve worked with closely. Think of individuals who can speak to specific skills relevant to the medical profession, such as communication, critical thinking, and problem-solving. 


NYU uses the MMI, or Multiple Mini Interview, to screen candidates. Some schools use MMIs to reduce bias in the application process. Interviews are an excellent opportunity to display your communication skills, critical thinking, and ability to work well with others – all things admissions officers seek when creating the next incoming class.

The school’s MMI model is set up virtually: 

  • There are eight separate virtual interviews 
  • Each scenario poses an open-ended question, and you’ll have two minutes to prepare your response
  • After, you’ll enter a virtual interview room for a seven-minute conversation with your interviewer
  • There is one “open-ended” station in a more traditional interview style, which is 14 long 

Interviewers are evaluating your thought process and improvisation ability. Although there are no right or wrong answers, you want to show your decision-making, critical thinking, and effective communication skills. 

NYU Medical School Secondary Essays (Prompts and Tips)

Your NYU medical school secondary essays add differentiation and more layers to your application. Medical schools consider writing a vital skill. Communication is essential in medicine, and being a skilled communicator goes a long way.


Suggested reading: Tips for Writing Amazing Secondary Essays for Med School

Your secondary essay prompts for the NYU School of Medicine are your time to shine and show your fit for NYU. The prompts for this year are the same as last year, although any questions related to COVID-19 have been omitted. 

1. “If applicable, please comment on significant fluctuations in your academic record which are not explained elsewhere on your application.” (No word limit)

If you don’t have any gaps in your transcripts, feel free to skip this one. If you do, your job is to be open and honest about these fluctuations. Do your best to put a positive spin on them, if possible.

2. “If you have taken any time off from your studies, either during or after college, please describe what you have done during this time and your reasons for doing so.” (No word limit)

Like the last prompt, don’t bother writing anything if it doesn’t apply to you. Otherwise, consider: 

  • Everything you’ve done during your time off relevant to your journey
  • Why you took time off: what was the goal? What caused you to take time off? 
  • Provide enough detail that your writing doesn’t come off as a resume rehash without launching into a full-scale narrative 

Be honest here and keep things focused: your response may fuel the conversation fire for your future interview! 

“Please limit your responses to the following essay questions to a maximum of 2500 characters each.”
3. “The Admissions Committee uses a holistic approach to evaluate a wide range of student qualities and life experiences that are complementary to demonstrated academic excellence, strong interpersonal skills and leadership potential. What unique qualities or experiences do you possess that would contribute specifically to the NYU Grossman School of Medicine Community?” (2,500 characters max)

This prompt is a blend of a classic diversity essay and a “Why us?” response. Answering this question may require some brainstorming. Think about your unique life experiences, your background, and your qualities. After you’ve done that, the second piece is to connect them to NYU Grossman. 

Ensure you have at least a sentence or two that connects to NYU’s offerings, whether it’s a course, club, student organization, or something else.

4. “Please answer only one of the following three questions (2,500 characters max): 
A. The most meaningful achievements are often non-academic in nature. Describe the personal accomplishment that makes you most proud. Why is this important to you?

If you choose this prompt, don’t be afraid to get a little vulnerable. Try to be authentic as possible and avoid cliches. Try to relate whatever you choose to your medical school journey and how it will help you.

B. Conflicts arise daily from differences in perspectives, priorities, worldviews and traditions. How do you define respect? Describe a situation in which you found it challenging to remain respectful while facing differences? 

The goal of this prompt is to have you open up about a situation and how you navigated it. Physicians have to work through difficult situations daily, so the admissions committee wants to see that you’re capable of remaining level-headed and professional in every situation, so show these qualities in your narrative. 

C. Describe a situation in which working with a colleague, family member or friend has been challenging. How did you resolve, if at all, the situation as a team and what did you gain from the experience that will benefit you as a future health care provider?” 

This prompt is fairly similar to the one above. There are three things you need to do for a complete answer: 

  • Briefly describe the situation 
  • Your steps to resolve the situation together (this is a great opportunity to show leadership) 
  • Reflect on your experience and its impact 

Revise your essays several times and ensure every sentence relates to the prompt. A well-written piece of writing can go a long way. 

Although this isn’t an essay prompt, you will also be asked to select up to three residency specialties that are currently of interest to you in this section of the secondary application. 

Your selection in no way impacts your admissions decision (i.e., there are no right or wrong selections), that it is not binding in any way. You may select “Undecided” if you’re unsure of your path!

The Best Extracurriculars & Experiences You Need to Get Into NYU Medical School

Extracurricular activities are essential to get relevant experiences for medical school. Be intentional and prove to NYU that you feel strongly about your passions and academic interests. It’s a good idea to get research experience, secure internships, or do other activities related to your program. 

graphic outlining which experiences applicants need to gain admission to NYU medical school


NYU’s research opportunities are wide-ranging, and the school is a leader in research related to everything from glaucoma to pancreatic cancer. 

Be proactive during and after your undergrad education. You can: 

  • Ask professors about research programs
  • Attend summer programs
  • Or even taking a gap year dedicatedly entirely to research

Your demonstrated commitment shows you’re ready to take advantage of NYU’s research opportunities. 

Be thoughtful when selecting research opportunities and writing about them in your application. NYU’s Office of Science and Research “ is dedicated to the mission of advancing research and improving healthcare through scientific discovery.” 

Discuss how your research endeavors align with this mission and reference it in your application. 

Patient Exposure

Patient exposure is crucial to your success. At NYU, patient experience may start from day one. NYU wants to admit students capable of clerkships, sub-internships, and other real-life patient interactions. 

Prove that you’ve practiced your bedside manner and strengthened your clinical skill set. There are many ways to get this experience. Working as a medical scribe, shadowing, and volunteer experience are options. 

Leadership Experience 

Part of NYU’s mission is “producing future leaders and scholars in medicine.” Leadership experience can help you develop many valuable skills NYU is searching for, such as independent thinking, collaboration, and organization. 

You can get leadership experience in various ways, from management positions at your company to heading a student club in undergrad. While NYU values any leadership experience, experiences related to your academic interests and passions go a long way. 

NYU Medical School Application Deadlines & Timeline 

Following the NYU medical school application timeline helps you stay on track and submit your documents on time: 

Date/Deadline Description
July The school begins sending interview invitations
September MMIs begin
October 15 Primary application deadline
November 15 Secondary application deadline
December Interview season ends
January 31 Tertiary application deadline
January You’ll receive your admissions decision

Tuition & Scholarships at Grossman

NYU stands apart because it awards all students a full-tuition scholarship. Students are required to demonstrate satisfactory academic progress, and they need not pay a single cent of tuition.

However, students are expected to pay for study materials and their own living expenses. One way to shrink these costs is by applying to NYU’s three-year degree program. Another is to apply for financial aid. The school offers merit-based scholarships, institutional loans based on need, and a work-study program. 

Students can also apply for federal or private loans or outside scholarships. There are many scholarships out there tailored to different experiences and backgrounds.

FAQs: Getting into NYU Medical School

Do you still have questions about how to get into NYU medical school? Read on for more information. 

1. What GPA Do I Need to Get Into NYU Medical School? 

While NYU doesn’t have GPA cutoffs, a GPA close to 4.0 can help your application be more competitive.

2. What MCAT Score Do You Need to Get Into NYU Medical School? 

NYU doesn’t have a minimum MCAT score requirement, but the lowest score accepted in a recent admissions cycle is 516. However, you should strive to score at or above the average 523 for a better chance of admission. 

3. Does NYU Medical School Accept International Students? 

Yes, as long as you’ve obtained a bachelor’s degree from a U.S. or Canadian accredited institution. 

4. Is NYU Medical School Really Free?

Yes, NYU is really tuition-free for all students in its MD program. 

5. Is NYU Medical School Free for International Students? 

Yes, NYU’s free tuition scholarship also applies to international students. 

6. What Is the NYU Medical School Acceptance Rate? 

NYU Grossman’s acceptance rate is 2.5%, and NYU LISOM’s acceptance rate is 1.5%. NYU is popular due to its prestige and free tuition, which may contribute to these very low rates. 

Gain Admission to NYU Medical School With Inspira Advantage

NYU seeks students who will flourish after medical school, serving as leaders and innovators in the medical field. Ensure you make clear how your leadership skills and perspectives will contribute to the school. Articulating specific passions and interests proves you have the drive and a vision for your future. 

You'll need to be thorough to submit a competitive application to NYU medical school. No matter what stage you’re at in the process, our experts can help bring your NYU application to the next level. With hard work and determination, you’ll have a fighting chance at getting accepted at NYU medical school. 

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