Pre Nursing Advising To Prepare You For Your Dream School

Start differentiating your profile up to three years before you apply to nursing school. Through our pre-nursing advising program, we help you pick the right courses, plan your GRE prep, participate in the right extracurricular activities, and get the right clinical experience you need to create a differentiated profile for nursing school applications.
Start Your Journeyimage of nursing advising your dream school
pre nursing advising

Ready to learn which comprehensive plan is right for you?

Schedule Your Free 20 Minute Consultation Today
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Comprehensive packages to support every application need

Academic Advising and Course Selection Based on Evaluation of Your Transcripts
Course Selection Strategy to Enhance GPA
Academic Skill Development to Differentiate Profile
Planning Shadowing Rotations
Support Towards Wet-Lab and Non Wet-Lab Research Engagements
Guidance on Paper Publications and Poster Presentations
Clinical and Non-Clinical Volunteering Applications and Planning
Planning Required Number of Direct Patient Exposure Hours
Extracurricular Profile Advisement Focused on Leadership Development
Building a Timeline and Strategy on NCLEX and/or TEAS testing
Awareness and Interest Development Towards Various Nursing Schools
Support on Finding and Applying to Cross Specialty Shadowing Experiences at Clinics, Hospitals, and Healthcare Networks
Individual Portfolio Development
Total Number of Advisory Hours Over One Year
Tentative Cadence of Pre-Nursing Advising Consultations
Black Friday Sale Price
(Ends November 30)
Payment Options


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Academic Advising and Course Selection Based on Evaluation of Your Transcripts
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Course Selection Strategy to Enhance GPA`
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Academic Skill Development to Differentiate Profile
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Planning Shadowing Rotations
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Support Towards Wet-Lab and Non Wet-Lab Research Engagements
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Guidance on Paper Publications and Poster Presentations
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Clinical and Non-Clinical Volunteering Applications and Planning
Secondary Essay Review
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Planning Required Number of Direct Patient Exposure Hours
Essay Turnaround time
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Extracurricular Profile Advisement Focused on Leadership Development
Waitlist Advising
Interview Coaching
24 Hours
Total Number of Advisory Hours Over One Year
Tentative Cadence of Pre-Residency Advising Consultations


$500 off!


Black Friday Sale Price
(Ends November 30)


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image of check marked
Academic Advising and Course Selection Based on Evaluation of Your Transcripts
image of check marked
Course Selection Strategy to Enhance GPA
image of check marked
Academic Skill Development to Differentiate Profile
image of check marked
Planning Shadowing Rotations
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Support Towards Wet-Lab and Non Wet-Lab Research Engagements
image of check marked
Guidance on Paper Publications and Poster Presentations
image of check marked
Clinical and Non-Clinical Volunteering Applications and Planning
image of check marked
Planning Required Number of Direct Patient Exposure Hours
image of check marked
Extracurricular Profile Advisement Focused on Leadership Development
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Building a Timeline and Strategy on NCLEX and/or TEAS testing
image of check marked
Awareness and Interest Development Towards Various Nursing Schools

36 Hours

Total Number of Advisory Hours Over One Year


Tentative Cadence of Pre-Residency Advising Consultations


$1,500 off!


Black Friday Sale Price
(Ends November 30)


Monthly payments with
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image of check marked
Academic Advising and Course Selection Based on Evaluation of Your Transcripts
image of check marked
Course Selection Strategy to Enhance GPA
image of check marked
Academic Skill Development to Differentiate Profile
image of check marked
Planning Shadowing Rotations
image of check marked
Support Towards Wet-Lab and Non Wet-Lab Research Engagements
image of check marked
Guidance on Paper Publications and Poster Presentations
image of check marked
Clinical and Non-Clinical Volunteering Applications and Planning
image of check marked
Planning Required Number of Direct Patient Exposure Hours
image of check marked
Extracurricular Profile Advisement Focused on Leadership Development
image of check marked
Building a Timeline and Strategy on NCLEX and/or TEAS testing
image of check marked
Awareness and Interest Development Towards Various Nursing Schools
image of check marked
Support on Finding and Applying to Cross Specialty Shadowing Experiences at Clinics, Hospitals, and Healthcare Networks
image of check marked
Individual Portfolio Development
48 Hours
Total Number of Advisory Hours Over One Year


Tentative Cadence of Pre-Residency Advising Consultations


$3,000 off!


Black Friday Sale Price
(Ends November 30)


Monthly payments with
Compare Payment Plans

Nursing School Applications Are Competitive. It Pays To Avoid Others’ Mistakes.

applicants to nursing schools each year are reapplicants
of rejected applicants regret not start their prep sooner
of rejected applicants say they could have taken concrete steps to improve their profile

We provide hands on pre nursing advising and create a tactical game plan to help you strengthen your profile and ensure you get accepted to your dream nursing school

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Comprehensive Profile Assessment

Our pre-nursing advising starts with a diagnostic analysis of your profile to identify where your weaknesses lie and strengths you can double down on.
comprehensive profile assessment
one on one pre nursing advising
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Dedicated one-on-one pre nursing advisor

We pair you with our most experienced consultants who are nurses, have gone to the top nursing schools in the country, and have helped hundreds of applicants get accepted at their dream nursing schools.
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Academic and non-academic experience planning

Based on your profile assessment, your pre nursing advisor helps you determine which pre nursing courses to select and which research, clinical, and leadership experiences to participate in to build the perfect profile for nursing school.
academic and non academic experience planning
GRE prep strategy and planning for nursing school
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GRE Prep Strategy and Planning

Work with your pre nursing advisor to create a solid GRE prep plan that includes using the right resources, working on your weaknesses, and taking several practice tests before D-Day.
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Hands on support throughout the entire process

Your pre-nursing advisor is there to support you when you need them, no matter what you need them for
hands on support
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How Our Pre Nursing Advising Program Works

Conduct a comprehensive background analysis

Conduct a comprehensive background analysis

The first step is to understand your experiences, goals, and learning style so that we can pinpoint your strengths and weaknesses. We ask you to fill out our proprietary intake form, which is followed by an in-depth discussion with a senior consultant. These consultants are nurses, experts who have attended the best nursing schools in the country, and have helped hundreds of candidates get accepted at top schools.
Prepare a customized pre nursing advising plan

Prepare a customized pre nursing advising plan

After your consultant understands your goals, shortcomings, and needs, they collaborate with you to create a tailored action plan. This includes tactical activities such as what academic courses to take, which research experiences to seek, what extracurricular activities to participate in, and much more.
Ensure execution through regular check ins

Ensure execution through regular check ins

Through regular video and email check-ins, your consultant makes sure they are always there for you. Your consultant, who has been there and done that can also brainstorm how to reach out to a professor you want to work with over the summer or send a cold email to a doctor who you’d like to shadow.
Refine pre nursing advising plan

Refine pre nursing advising plan

Academic plans, interests, and personal circumstances change. We understand that and make sure your pre nursing advising plan always reflects your latest needs and goals. We are happy to talk through how your experience in the drama club might factor into your application or your passion to travel can be incorporated into your nursing school persona. Our goal is to always be nimble, available, and informed.
You are ready to apply to nursing school

You are ready to apply to nursing school

The rigorous, targeted prep that you have gone through gives you a leg up against your peers. Being deliberate about each aspect of your pre-nursing school experience helps create self awareness, which translates to a compelling narrative and effective application documents. Congratulations, you are now ready to conquer the nursing school application process!
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Our Personalized Pre Dental Advising Service Has Helped Many Aspirants Realize Their Dreams

Dental School
2019 Admit Rate
Admit Rate After Working With An Inspira Advantage
University of Michigan School of Dentistry
Harvard School of Dental Medicine
UCSF School of Dentistry
UW School of Dentistry
NYU College of Dentistry
UNC Adams School of Dentistry
Penn Dental Medicine
UCLA School of Dentistry
College of Dental Medicine Columbia University

The Most Accomplished Pre Nursing Advisors In the Country

Our entire network is dedicated to your success
Graduate Coaches

Graduate Coaches

Nurses, graduates of top nursing schools, and other highly successful individuals who have successfully cracked the nursing school admissions process
Former Admissions Committee Members

Former Admissions Committee Members

Many of our experts have served on admissions committees and know what academic, research, and extra-curricular experiences nursing schools look for
Writing Experts

Writing Experts

Expert linguists, current and former journalists, and professional writers who help finetune your written documents
Start your Journey

The Most Comprehensive and Personalized Pre Nursing Advising Program That Prepares You For Every Aspect Of Nursing School Admissions

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Diagnostic Strengths and Opportunities Assessment

Comprehensive analysis and discussion to understand where you need to improve
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Academic Guidance

Informed advice on which courses to take and when to take them
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Extra-curricular and Research Guidance

Brainstorm tactical steps to differentiate your profile while doing things that interest you
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Test Prep Strategy

Guidance on timelines, strategy, and approach to help you ace the GRE
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Ongoing Support

Continuous communication through email and video
personalized pre nursing advising program
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Let’s Create a Pre Nursing Advising Plan For Your Success!

image of pre nursing advising plan for successimage of pre nursing advising plan for success

Don't Take Our Word For It. Hear Their Stories.

"Inspira has such an extensive network of former adcom members and current interview panel members that their advice and intimate knowledge of the inner workings of business schools is a gold mine of information. Their team worked extensively with me to position each application in a way that met the specific criteria of each business school. Also, there were no restrictions on the number of edits or calls that I could ask for. This created such an open environment to discuss new ideas rather than being worried about the time on the clock."


GMAT Score: 710
GPA: 3.4
Accepted to:
image of Columbia Business Schoolimage of London Business School

“The Inspira team are really skilled storytellers and can find a way to create an intriguing narrative for even the most stereotypical candidate. I studied economics in undergrad at Yale, spent two years in banking, and now work in PE. I struggled to write a story that differentiated myself from my peers (who I knew were also applying to the same schools) and did not know how to make my path seem more unique. When I began working with Inspira, they spent a whole week just learning about my story and asking questions that got me to think in new ways about my life decisions. They used these conversations to create a persona doc, where they outlined my own personal history but in a way that was distinct and showed a clear path of professional progress. This really helped reframe my perspective of my own experience and enabled me to write application documents that showed why I was a unique applicant and why I was a good fit for my top schools. Their help with storytelling was a game changer for me!” 


GMAT Score: 720
GPA: 3.4
Accepted to:
image of Berkeley Haasimage Chicago Boothimage of Northwestern Kellogg School of Management

"No marketing, no salesy bs. Inspira is a pure results-oriented admission consulting firm. I worked with them on applications for 4 schools and was so impressed with their honest approach. Their advice on school selection was spot on and was backed by data and sound reasoning. The team that helped me with my applications included a former adcom member from HBS, a writing expert from Wharton, and my graduate coach, who has an IB background like me. No other firm has such a strong team and this was clearly reflected in how good my application turned out to be. Their inside information was incredibly helpful, and many of the questions that the HBS interview panel asked me were the same ones that Inspira had prepared me for. I was so impressed by their insights into the business schools."


GMAT Score: 740
GPA: 3.6
Accepted to:
image of Harvard Business Schoolimage of MIT School of Management

"I was originally working with a different MBA admissions group, but ended up switching to Inspira Futures only five weeks before the Stanford deadline. It seemed risky at the time, but I ended up being so glad I made the change! Inspira went above and beyond, even working with me on weekends and evenings to ensure that my application was perfect. We went through multiple rounds of revisions and the Inspira team was always willing to hop on a call to brainstorm ways to include new anecdotes or ways to rephrase the experiences on my resume. They created such a friendly environment that I never worried if I was asking too many questions or asking for too much support in such a short time frame. Thank you so much guys!"


GMAT Score: 700
GPA: 3.7
Accepted to:
image of Standford Graduate School of Businessimage of University of Pennsylvania

"As an international student from China, I was completely new to the MBA application process for US B schools. I really liked Inspira’s onboarding process which helps candidates like me get familiar with what different business schools are looking for. They also matched me with a consultant who perfectly understood what I needed. My consultant had work experience in China (and even spoke Mandarin!) and went to school in the US, so he was able to quickly identify differences in Chinese versus American application processes to make sure I didn’t make any of the mistakes common for international applicants. My consultant even helped develop a guide for my recommenders, who had limited experience writing the types of recommendations that schools like HBS expect. With their help I was able to frame my international experiences in a way that the HBS committee would not only understand but see as an asset for their incoming class. I would not have got into Harvard without his help!"


GMAT Score: 730
GPA: 3.8
Accepted to:
image of Harvard Business Schoolimage of Northwestern Kellogg School of Managementimage Chicago Booth

“I would not have gotten into Harvard Business School without help from Inspira. I went to a non-target undergrad and my work experience was at a non-blue chip company, so I did not think that I had a chance at a top school. But Inspira’s team has such a well-structured process that they made the stressful MBA application feel straightforward. They helped me decide which schools to target, showed me how to look at my history to find the best stories to use in my essays, and even shared advice on how to pick the best recommenders. Each phase of the journey was catered to serve my needs. I am so thankful for the Inspira team!”


GMAT Score: 730
GPA: 3.5
Accepted to:
image of Harvard Business Schoolimage Chicago Boothimage of University of Pennsylvania

“I was initially hesitant to get a consultant and spend that extra money, but on a whim decided to speak to an Inspira consultant for the 30 minute free consultation. I was really impressed by their deep knowledge of the MBA admissions process and their ability to talk me through my history in order to quickly identify accomplishments and anecdotes to highlight on my application. I ended up applying to six schools through Inspira, and got into all of them! Looking back, the investment was worth it because I don’t think I would have been able to get into my top choices without their help and I would’ve regretted not giving the process my all. I’m so excited for my next steps and am so grateful for the help of the Inspira team!”


GMAT Score: 690
GPA: 3.3
Accepted to:
image of Insead logoimage of London Business Schoolimage of Northwestern Kellogg School of Managementimage of Duke Fuqua School of Businessimage of Berkeley Haas

"I spoke with 12 MBA admission consultants. Each firm used the “free 30-minute consultation” to sell their services and urged me to wire $10,000, whereas Inspira's call focused only on my background and the "Why" behind my decision to pursue an MBA. On top of that, unlike every other firm, Inspira DOES NOT ask for full upfront payment.  They only charged me on a per-go basis which allowed me to manage my cash flow. They were incredibly flexible with my hectic schedule and the quality of their work was top-notch. I got into Wharton with a $92,000 scholarship!"


GMAT Score: 740
GPA: 3.5
Accepted to:
image of Standford Graduate School of Businessimage of University of Pennsylvaniaimage of MIT School of Management

“I spoke with a bunch of admission firms before deciding to work with Inspira. The Inspira team seemed uniquely well-qualified, dedicated, and truly passionate about ensuring their candidates get into their dream schools. The consultant I worked with understood my professional background so well that just through the introductory call she was able to give me pointers on how to craft my story - all before we even started a formal engagement. I found that the biggest difference between Inspira and other groups is that the Inspira team is made up of former adcom members and senior industry professionals from relevant industries who can craft a compelling story based on my work. My background is in management consulting, so I really appreciated getting to work with a former Parthenon EY consultant who knew how to articulate those experiences on my application. I think this help was crucial in getting into Booth, where I will be going this fall!”


GMAT Score: 710
GPA: 3.6
Accepted to:
image Chicago Boothimage of Northwestern Kellogg School of Managementimage of School of Business at Dartmouth

"I started with Inspira in order to review an application for one school and thought that all I needed was a quick review for structure in order to calm my nerves about the process. Once I started with Inspira, I realized I could really take all of my applications to the next level. My team was able to dissect my ideas in a way that I hadn’t been able to see and they connected the dots between my experiences so that I was able to present a coherent story in my application. My consultant really took the time to understand what I was trying to convey and tag teamed well with former adcom members on Inspira’s team to provide me a real life evaluation angle. I also loved the way that the team did not hesitate to push me. They demanded perfection but stayed supportive and encouraging. I am certain that I would not have received a scholarship to Columbia if it was not for their help. Working with Inspira was the best decision I made through the whole MBA process!"


GMAT Score: 720
GPA: 3.8
Accepted to:
image of Columbia Business Schoolimage of Berkeley Haasimage of Northwestern Kellogg School of Management


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I already have a pre nursing advisor at my college. How is this service different from what they provide?

A lot of colleges and universities have pre nursing advisors and additional resources for pre nursing students, but the following structural issues are very prevalent:

  • Not enough advisors: Unfortunately, most colleges and universities don’t have enough resources to hire the number of pre nursing advisors needed to offer personalized service to students. Pre nursing advisors are usually well meaning, but they can’t do much if the advisor to student ratio is 1:200 or more.
  • Quality is often lacking: Colleges and universities don’t have the resources to hire nurses, nursing school students, residents, or DNP's from top schools. Our team consists of people who have been through the nursing school admissions process and successfully cracked it by getting into a top school. They have served on admissions committees and know what it’s like to be in nursing school. Their advice is personalized, informed, and relevant.
  • Not enough personalization: Pre nursing advisors aren’t able to create long-term personalized plans for their advisees. Every student goes through ups and downs during their college career. You might not be able to register for a course you wanted to do. It’s junior year, you just realized that you’re interested in drama and now you want to join the drama club. Adapting to these changes requires an in-depth understanding of a student’s background and preferences.

We help bridge some of these gaps that exist in today’s pre nursing advising infrastructure. You can think of us as a more informed, customized, and in-depth pre nursing advising service. Our advisors are accomplished, knowledgeable, and passionate about mentoring and guiding you. They have faced some of the same dilemmas that you are facing. Most importantly, they aren’t working with hundreds of students and can give you the personalized attention you need and deserve.

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Why would I need a structured Pre Nursing Advising plan like the one your offer?

Applying to nursing school is akin to running a marathon. Doing well requires a lot of upfront preparation. Your success on race day will be determined by the years of effort you’ve put into being prepared for race day. 

Similarly, nursing schools look at what you’ve done across the last few years. They want to see how you’ve grown not just as a student, but also as a leader, and what makes you uniquely positioned to succeed in nursing school.

In addition to these more variable tasks, there are must haves such as getting a good GRE score and engaging the right recommenders at the right time.

You might be among the 36% of GRE takers who have to take the test more than once. Or you might realize that someone you thought might be your recommender isn’t a great fit any more. A structured Pre Nursing Advising plan can help you make sure you are always on top of your prep. We help you execute your plan A and create a plan B so that there are no surprises if something doesn’t go as planned.

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Who will my Graduate Coach be?

We connect you with your Graduate Coach based on your experience, interests, and goals. Our team of Coaches comprises of nurses, graduates of top nursing schools, and former admissions committee members who know what a top nursing school looks for.

For our Pre Nursing Advising service to be effective, it is important that your Graduate Coach is able to relate to your academic experience and co-curricular interests. We make sure that we pair you with the right person after you fill our intake form.

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Should I choose this Pre Nursing Advising service or should I just wait to use the Complete End-to-End Application Support when I’m ready to apply to nursing school?

Attending the right nursing school can be life changing. It can set you on course to get into the right residency program and eventually, help you specialize in a field that genuinely interests you. Also, not getting into one of your top choice schools can be extremely costly. Reapplying is stressful and it also delays your entry into the workforce. This can easily translate to lost income of $150,000 or more depending on your specialty.

Given that getting into the right nursing school is such a high stakes decision, it is advisable to start preparing early. Our End-to-End Application Support service can help you craft an amazing application, but it cannot make you go back in time to fill potential gaps in your profile. We would recommend using this service if you want to be sure that all your i’s are dotted and t’s are crossed before you apply to nursing school.


Wondering how else we can help?

We provide support across the entire application lifecycle.

Complete end-to-end application support

Support for every aspect of your application, right from school-selection and NursingCAS, primary, secondary applications to interview prep, and more.

Learn More

GRE Prep

Customized teaching to help you identify and bridge shortcomings with proven problem-solving techniques

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Not sure what you need? Speak with an enrollment team member

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